Tuesday 28 August 2018

Yogi RamSuratkumar - A Miracle Master

Where there is faith there is no fate. Have faith, fate will become inoperable - Yogi RamSuratkumar

I have heard about the "Miracles of Yogi Ramsuratkumar" through Mr.Balakumaran speeches. Apart from that, I doesn't know much about HIM and his Divine miracles.

Recently, I have visited Bhagavan Ramana Ashram at Thriruvanamallai. When my car exited from the Ashram, I have seen a billboard about "Yogi Ramsuratkumar Ashram". Some spiritual energy have pulled me to that Ashram. I strongly believe the quote "When the Student is ready, the Master will appear". I have visited the Yogiram Suratkumar Ashram and I could feel Yogi Ramsuratkumar presence in the ashram.

In the Ashram, I have purchased a Tamil book "Viyakka Vaikkum Visiri Swamigal" written by Mrs.Anu.Vennila. This book beautifully captures the key miracles performed by Yogi Ramsuratkumat in the life of HIS devotees. I am pleasantly surprised to read all the miracles, and I am 100% convinced that Yogi Ramsuratkumar is a real Yogi, who was sent by God to BELIEVE in God.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar have performed lots of miracles in the life of HIS devotees and silently dedicates all the credit to his FATHER (GOD). He lived a very simple life and encouraged his devotees to chant the holy names of God ( Ram, Shiva, Krishna, etc ) to reach salvation. Yogi Ramsuratkumar is also affectionately called as Visiri Swamigal by his devotees.

Key Miracles by Yogi Ramsuratkumar :
1. Made a poor person to a successful owner of a company.
2. Healed many chronic diseases ( Which doctors still have no clue how it is cured).
3. Have converted a salt water in well ( Not suitable for farming ) to sweet water.
4. Have successfully healed a fifteen year migraine ( Devotee had only Yogi's Dharsan and doesn't even tell his problem to the Yogi )
5. Money came from different sources like a miracle to his devotees, who prayed for it. 
6. In the middle of the night, the Yogi have taken some of his devotees and went to a remote place and saved a horse that have been fallen on an empty well ( He listens to everyone prayers ).
7. He had given life to a dead butterfly. 
8. He had come in disguise and helped his devotees who have lost the path. 

Final Words :
Mr.Balakumaran says "Who is at the edge of the life, having lots of problems in life and doesn't know whether to live or die, should visit my Master Yogi Ramsuratkumar at Thiruvanamalai. I promise that your life changes positively for sure".

I strongly recommend you to visit Yogiram Suratkumar Ashram, Thiruvanamalai and get HIS blessings. I am confident that HE will guide you in the right direction.  

Famous Quotes:
1. God alone exists, man does not.
2. Grace is always pouring down on all of us.

Yogi Ramsuratkumar Jayaguru raya.


  1. i visited several times but my life has become more painful

  2. Yogi ramsuratkumar is a true Yogi, a divine presence who helps anyone who calls upon his name✨


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