Tuesday 23 December 2014

Meditation - The Beginners Guide

Meditation is a utlimate solution to Peace,happiness and bliss. We have the solution within all of us, however we are searching it outside. 

20 minutes of Stillness will bring lots of positive changes in our life. If you are a person who is searching for answers for your questions, I assure you that meditation will give you the perfect answer. 

Everyone has the guiding genie within all of us. Our mind is always busy failing to hear the advice from the infinite intelligence. 

All the Inventions in this world are done during the trans meditative state. Even Edison and Einstein has agreed this theory that a great Consiousness has guided them. 

So let's do Meditation daily and lead a life which is Physically, Mentally, Emotionally and Spiritually healthy.

How to do Meditation ? 
  • Step 1 : Sit in a comfortable postion. You can sit in chair or in the floor.If sitting on the floor, please use a mat.
  • Step 2 : Join your hands and Pray to your God / Universer for guidance and help. 
  • Step 2 : Keep your hands Open or use Gyan Mudhra.
  • Step 3 : Close your eyes 
  • Step 4 : Observe your breath coming in and out slowly.Mind wanders, however, make your concentration back to your breath. 
  • Step 5 : Sit it meditation for about 20 minutes. 

Tips : 
  • Do meditation in the same place. 
  • Do meditation in the same time. 
  • Wash your hands, legs and face before meditation. 

Benefits of Meditation 
  • It secrets the key hormones like Melatonin, endorphins and Serotonin.
  •  It relieve pain and relaxes the mind. 
  • It gives good sound night sleep. 
  • It improves the memory and concentration. 
  • It keeps the blood pressure in the Optimal level. 
  • It enhances the body's immune system. 
  • It provides Peace of mind and happiness.

I kindly request each and everyone of you to do meditation daily and live a blissful life.Happy Meditating and Live happily. God bless you. 


  1. Hello Frndz....
    Great Information! Nice post,it is really very helpful for me.One of the few articles I’ve read today.I’m saying thanks

    A Beginners Guide To Meditation

    1. Hello Friens,
      Thanks a lot for your kind words. Motivating words like this fuels me to write more article in this blog. I have updated my blog with lots of new techniques which I practise and benefit. Try it and share your experience also. God bless you. Light, Prem


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Hello Friends, If you are seeing this comment then take it as the sign from your subconscious mind / Universe that "This too shall Pass...