Tuesday 30 June 2015

Learn How to Be Happy In Life

If you think success bring happiness, it is time to rewire the thinking process. Only the happier people can become successful. Happy people are healthier, peaceful, productive, energetic, compassionate and lives a meaning life. 

You can be happy by spreading happiness. Watch the below beautiful video about happiness. 

Live happy!

Friday 26 June 2015

Balanced Diet - Myth is finally Broken

As per the theory of "Biological Transmutation" by the french scientist Louis Kervran the human body is capable of converting potassium to calcium based on the need basis. Same biological transmutation will happen for all other good chemicals. As per this concept, we don't want to worry much about whether the food we eat have all the minerals and vitamins required for the human body. We already know that the farmers in villages eats only rice daily and live a healthy life. It means they doesn't follow the rule book of so called "Balanced diet". 

In a nutshell, the human body is capable of generating the vitamins and minerals of it own. However, we need to assist the human body to produce it, by following the below basic rules : 

1) Eat well 
2) Sleep well 
3) Work well 
4) Excrete well 
5) Breath well 
6) Love everyone unconditionally 

It is always good to eat fruits, cereals, dry fruits,sprouts and vegetables that are good in minerals and vitamins. However, don't take Vitamin or Mineral pills thinking that it will be a good food supplement. A research conducted by reputed institution have proved that Garlic Capsule doesn't have any health benefit. Later Dr.BM Hegde proved that it is of good medicinal value when taken as part of food and it loses its property when made as pill. 

Our body will consider the minerals & vitamins present in the pill as a foreign material and will send to Liver for disposal. As per Dr.BM Hegde "There is ill followed by every pill and there is no pill for every ill". 

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Swami Vivekananda - Quotes

1. They alone live who live for others the rest are more dead than alive.
2. The world is great gym where we come to make ourself strong.
3. Each soul is potentially divine.
4. To be good and to do good that is whole of religion.
5. He who struggles is better than who never attempts
6. One ounce of practice is worth twenty thousand tons of big talk 
7. Good Motives, sincerity and Infinite love can conquer the world 
8. We only get what we deserve 
9. Love is life and hatred is death 
10. The greatest weakness is to think yourself weak.
11. If matter is powerful, thought is omnipotent 
12. Never mind failures, they are the beauty of life 
13. All knowledge depends upon calmness of mind 
14. Everything is in me, and I can manifest it at will.

Saturday 20 June 2015

Naturopathy - A Nature's Way of Healing

Hippocrates, a greak Physician before 2400 years  beautifully quoted "The Natural healing force within each one of us is the greatest force in getting well. Our food should be our medicine". Naturopathy is based on this concept and it doesn't invlove drugs or surgery. It emphsis more on food habit and lifestyle changes to cure almost all the diseases in the world. In a nutshell, we need to assist our body's healing system to cure the disease itself instead of taking medicine. 

Below I have mentioned some of the "Do's" and "Don'ts" from the pages of Naturopathy. Try it and see how your health improves. 

Do's :

  • Use Herbal Tooth-powder 
  • Use Herbal bath powder 
  • Use Herbal Hair wash 
  • Use Red Rice or Samai rice 
  • Use Cotton shirts 
  • Use Jaggery, Palm jaggery 
  • Use Coconut milk 
  • Use pure Coconut Oil 
  • Use pure Seaseme Oil 
  • Eat Idli made of Red rice 
  • Use Sleeping mat made of Kora grass 
  • Use Organic products 
  • Use Herbal Tea 
  • Use copper jug for storing water
  • Use Organic Health Mix 
  • Use Ragi 
  • Eat Pomegranate 
  • Eat Banana
  • Eat Dry fruits 
  • Eat spourts 
  • Eat cereals 
  • Ear Seasonal fruits and vegetables 
  • Drink veg soup prepared at home [ No Readymade ]
  • Do 24 hours fasting once a month 
  • Do Meditation daily 
  • Do Yoga daily 
  • Eat vegetbale / Fruit salad 

Don'ts :

  • Avoid White sugar 
  • Avoid Milk 
  • Avoid Tea and Coffee 
  • Avoid polished white rice 
  • Avoid Tinned Foods 
  • Avoid Aerated drinks 
  • Avoid Non-Veg 
  • Avoid using Pressure Cooker 
  • Avoid using Microwave Oven 
  • Avoid using products stored in Fridge 
  • Avoid Bakery items 
  • Avoid eating food outside 

Friday 19 June 2015

The Placebo Effect : A Cure in the Mind

If you believe that the pill, which you are taking is curing the disease. It is time to rewire your thinking process. 

Placebo (Latin word meaning "I shall please" ) is a inactive substance like sugar, distilled water or saline solution that have proved to produce the same effect of active pill. Placebo effect have also a remarkable improvement incase of "Fake" surgery and "Fake" injection.

Almost 80% of the disease is cured by the believe that you have taken a medicine. Your medicine will work only if you believe that it will work. 
Once the pill is taken, the patient have a strong believe that it will cure his illness. Once the mind started accepting this command, the body starts releasing the good chemicals like endorphins, oxytocin, etc to relieve the pain and cure the illness. 

During my college days, I had a severe diarrhoea. I have requested my friend to give me a homoeopathic table to cure it. He gave me some homoeopathic tablet and as a miracle, my diarrhoea stopped within one hour. I am totally surprised and asked him the name of the Homoeopathic tablet. He smiling answered "Sorry, I don't have diarrhoea tablet when you asked.So, I gave headache tablet". 

Researchers in Finland studied two group of patients for Knee surgery - One group received proper surgery and the other received a placebo(Fake) surgery who are made to believe that they also had a proper surgery by giving anaesthesia. After one year, both the group showed same improvements.  

Dr.Nagore Rumi have told beautifully, even now in many villages doctors are using "Turmeric solution" as injection. With no surprise, the patients are getting cured with their belief system. I have also heard my grandmother telling that in her village hospital the doctor used to give the same white tablet for almost all the diseases and all the patients cured. 

Most of the diseases are cured with the belief that doctor is M.B.B.S, FRCS (London) and he will surely cure my illness. If the doctor takes time and listens to the patient carefully and if the patient confidence and belief with the doctor is high, then the patient recovers fastly. Those doctors are called as "Kai Rasi" or "Lucky Doctors" in our locality. To be frank all the doctors give the same injection and tablet for the common illness. Now you can understand how the same medicine given by two different doctors works differently. 

In a nutshell, if you believe that the normal drinking water will recover your health. It surely will do the magic. 

Thursday 18 June 2015

Mind your "Mind" - To Live Healthy

Osho beautifully quoted "Mind is invisible body and body is visible mind". Now science has accepted this concept that about 90% of the diseases in this world are Psychosomatic meaning "Diseases caused by mind". If a persons mind is affected with stress,anxiety, depression,worry etc then the body will show this as a disease. 

Even in Aucpunture, it has been accepted that too much of fear will affect the kidneys, anger will affect the liver, stress will be shown as ulcer etc and they have a big list. 

If a person is happy always filled with unconditional love to the humanity and the people around him, he will be always healthy both physically and Mentally. 
I have met such a person recently in my LG office, who told me that by God's grace he haven't visited to doctor even once for the past 8 years. I asked his secret formula, he told that he follows only one thing that he will be happy and smiling always. Dr.BM Hegde have beautifully told that "If you smile, our body releases 500 good chemicals and exercises 152 muscles in the face and neck". Now I have understood that the natural good chemicals released in the body have improved his immune system and made him healthy. 

Whenever you are happy the body releases good chemicals like Endorphins, Oxytocin,dopamine,serotonin etc which improves the overall health of the human body. However, when a person is stressed the body releases bad chemicals like cortisol and epinephrine which weakens the immune system. 

Everything you think in your mind affects the overall health of the body. Positive Thinking and affirmations increase the overall health of the body. 
If you repeatedly program your mind with good healthy affirmations and once your subconscious mind started believing, your body starts its healing automatically. 

Postive Affirmation for good Health :
"I am Healthy"
"I am Happy"
"I am Energetic"
"I am Vibrant"
"I am Calm"
"I am Relaxed"
"I am Peace"
"I am love"
"I am Light"
"I am Strong"
"I eat Healthily"
"I love my work"
"I love everyone including myself"
"I forgive everyone including myself"

If you would like to know more about affirmation read Affirmations Concious Programming of Mind 

Sunday 14 June 2015

A rich life with less stuff - The Minimalists

Ryan Nicodemus had everything including a success career, six figure income, big home, etc. Everyone told him that he is successful. However he have void. So he bought cars, clothes, furniture, gadgets, meals, drinks, vacation, etc and spending money to find the happiness. He continues to fill the void with buying more things. Outside everything seems to be perfect, but inside he is not happy. 

Soon, he realised that he was working hard to make money for the things to buy that he you don't use. His life lacked meaning, purpose and passion. 

He had asked his friend Joshua Fields Millburn about the secret of his happiness, who introduced the concept called "The Minimalism".Minimalism is the concept of living a meaningful life and have passion with lesser stuff.  

Ryan soon realised that 80% of the things are unused in his home. So, he disposed those items which are unused. Once he started living a minimalists life, he started enjoying his life which is filled with meaning and purpose. 

Now Joshua Fields Millburn & Ryan Nicodemus tours all over the world and preaches about how to live a meaningful life with less stuff. In a nutshell, they promotes de-cluttering the things in our home which is not useful and promotes to buy only things that are CRITICAL. 

Imagine a life with less stress, anxiety, stuff,etc and more meaningful life,relationship,time, etc it is the concept of Minimalisms.Watch the below TED video about Minimalists. 

I try to practise the minimalists concept as much as possible. Whenever I go for shopping, I ask a question "Is it really required ?". Most of the time, the answer will be "No" and I return home without buying the stuff which I don't use. 

If you have food in your plate, roof on your top, colorful dress on your body then you are richer than what you actually think. As per a statistical report, "If you have 1000 rupees in pocket and 1 lakh rupees in your bank account, you are in the top 50 hundred population of the world".

Stay blessed and use minimal stuff and shower unlimited love, compassion, kindness to this beautiful world. 

Saturday 13 June 2015

30 Golden Tips for an Optimistic Life

1) Believe everything happens for a good reason. 
2) Use Affirmations and affirm "I am an Optimist person" as much as possible.
3) Do Meditation daily, as it will delete the negative imprints in the sub-concious mind. 
4) Read Motivating, Inspiring, positive mental attitude books. 
5) Listen to Inspiring and Motivating Audio books. 
6) Attend life transforming positive workshops. 
7) Be surrounded by optimistic and uplifting people. 
8) Be Optimistic in every situation. 
9) When something doesn't happen, believe something better is coming on the way. 
10) Avoid watching News.
11) Avoid reading Newspaper. 
12) Avoid watching Drama in TV. 
13) Be a member of an Optimistic group like "The Happy Zen".
14) Believe in God and do prayer daily. 
15) Love everyone including "You" unconditionally. 
16) Forgive everyone including "You". 
17) Live in the present. 
18) Do every work with love and passion. 
19) Smile at strangers and friends often. 
20) Help others and be compassionate. 
21) Remember no one is perfect and it is "OK" to do mistakes and fail. 
22) Sing your favourite song. 
23) Dance 
24) Read positive and inspiring quotes. Even a single word can change your life. 
25) Eat Healthy food
26) Do Exercise. 
27) Play some sports. 
28) Spend at-least one hour daily for the thing which you love. 
29) Whenever Negative thought comes, write it in a paper and tear it. 
30) Ignore what other people think about you. Do Good. Be Good. Think Good. 

When Edison is asked about the failure during the invention of electric bulb, he replied Optimistically, "I have not failed 10,000 times. I have just found 10,000 ways that won't work". In a nutshell, there is nothing called as "Down" or "Failure" in life. It is your perception and attitude that defines it. 

"Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become your character.
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny."

Change your perception and attitude, you change your life. Stay Blessed and Happy positive thinking.

Friday 12 June 2015

Everythig is Connected in Universe

Start living every moment filled with love,joy and enthusiasm. Be happy for no reason. Smile often. You can become an "Yogi" if you forget "I" and believe in only "We". Moment you realise this, you will be enlightened. It is what is told from our ancient sages to the latest Quantum physics that everything is connected. 

In a nutshell, when you realise that everything is connected, you will start loving everyone. When this transformation happens the world becomes beautiful. Hell or Heaven is in your mind and it is not outside the world. 

As per our sages, even a single finger movement have lots of ripple effect until the distant stars. You can also transform the world by just thinking good to the world and others. 

Stay blessed and Be Optimistic. 

Monday 8 June 2015

The Happy Zen - Vision & Mission

Vision :
To transform 1 billion people in this beautiful world to live a healthy,happy,peaceful and optimistic life by 2025.

Mission : 

  • Broadcasting the life transforming articles through blog, Facebook, etc.
  • Conducting life transforming workshops on a regular basis. 
  • Increasing the Optimism among the people. 
  • Distribute pamphlets.

Monday 1 June 2015

Method to convert Water to Healing Water

Pre-Condition : 
1) Take one glass of water in a cup. 
2) Keep your palms over the water and affirm as "This is healing water.It keeps my body healthy and fit.Thank You"
3) Keep your palms over the water and chant mantras or God's name to charge it with spiritual energy. 

Technique :
Step 1 : Sip some water in your mouth and swallow it into three parts as mentioned below. 
Step 2 : When you swallow one part of water, mentally affirm "I"
Step 3 : When you swallow second part of water, mentally affirm  "am"
Step 4 : When you swallow third part of water, mentally affirm "Healthy"

In a nutshell, whenever your drink water mentally affirm "I am Healthy". It will improve your overall health by programming your sub-concious mind. 

It is always advisable to sip the water while drinking using personal cups.Water must be mixed with saliva before swallowing.  

My Favourite Books

I do believe something very magical can happen when you read a good book - JK Rowling

I love reading lots of good books. One of the key reasons for my transformation is through the wisdom which I got through reading books. 

All great leaders are great readers. Napolean Bonaparte have raised from a soldier to an emperor through the wisdom he got through books. He used to carry lots of books even to the war field and read the books whenever he is free. Even Bill gates is an Voracious reader. 

Most of the successful people have one-thing in common, that they are good readers.
I have presented some of the books, which have inspired me a lot.  

Power of Subconscious Mind : 
  • The Power of Subconscious Mind - Dr.Joseph Murphy 
  • The Power of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Peale 
  • The Amazing Laws of Cosmic Mind Power - Dr.Joseph Murphy 
  • Think and Grow Rich - Napolean Hill
  • The Magic of believing - M. Claude Bristol
  • The Game Of Life & How To Play It -  Florence Scovel-Shinn
  • Thought Power - Swami Sivananda
  • Psycho-Cybernetics - Maxwell Maltz
  • The Silva Mind Control Method - Jose Silva
  • Extrasensory potentials of the Mind - Shriram Sharma Acharya 
Affirmations : 
  • You Can Heal Your Life - Louise L. Hay
  • What to Say When you Talk To Yourself - Shad Helmstetter

Law of Attraction : 
  • The Secret - Rhonda Byrne 
  • Ask and it is Given: Learning to Manifest Your Desires - Esther and Jerry Hick
  • E Squared - Pam Grout 
  • E Cubed - Pam Grout 
  • The Law of Attraction: Plain and Simple - Sonia Ricotti

Meditation :
  • Alpha Meditation - Dr.Nagore Rumi
  • The Silva Mind Control Method - Silva 
Spirituality : 
  • Bhagvad Gita As It Is - Divine Grace A.C.Swami Prabhupada
  • Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda 
  • Sai Satcharitra
Personal Growth : 
  • The Habit of Winning - Prakash Iyer 
  • The Monk who sold his ferrari - Robin Sharma
  • The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success -  Deepak Chopra 
  • The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
  • One Small Step Can Change Your Life - Robert Maurer  
  • Confessions of a Software Techie - Ramakrishna Reddy  
  • 13 Steps to Bloody Good Luck - Ashwin Sanghi 
Health : 
  • Health in your hands - Devendra Vora
  • Biology of Belief - Dr.Bruce Lipton 
  • What Doctors Don't Get to Study in Medical School - BM Hegde
Corporate Success :
  • The Magic of Thinking big - David J.schwartz
  • How To Enjoy Your Life And Your Job - Dale Carnegie
  • The Mastery Manual - Robin Sharma 
  • The Big Switch - John Thomas
Personal Finance :

  • Rich Dad Poor Dad - Robert T Kiyosaki
  • Let's Talk Money - Monica Halan 
  • From Ratrace to Financial Freedom - Manoj Arora 
  • The Richest Engineer - Abhishek Kumar 
  • Master your Money, Master your Life - Abhishek Kumar 
Relationships : 
  • Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus - John Gray 
  • The Five Love Languages -  Gary Chapman
  • You are the Best Wife - Ajay K Pandey 

Spirituality / Meditation : 
  • மகாசக்தி மனிதர்கள்  - என் .கணேசன் 
  • ஆல்பா தியானம் - Dr .நாகூ ர் ரூமி 

Powers of Mind (Tamil) :  
  • அடுத்த வினாடி - Dr .நாகூ ர் ரூமி 
  • ஆழ் மனதின் அற்புத சக்திகள் -  என் .கணேசன் 
  • பிரமிடுகள் தேசத்தில் ஞானத் தேடல் - என் .கணேசன் 
  • மறைத்திருக்கும்  உண்மைகள் - ஓஷோ 
Personal Growth (Tamil): 
  • மனசே ரிலாக்ஸ்  ப்ளீஸ் - சுவாமி சுகபோதானந்தா 
  • மனசே, நீ ஒரு மந்திரச்சாவி - சுகி. சிவம் 
  • அத்தனைக்கும் ஆசைப்படு - சத்குரு ஜக்கி வாசுதேவ்
  • இங்கே நிம்மதி  - என் .கணேசன் 
  • வாழ்ந்து படிக்கும் பாடங்கள் -  என் .கணேசன்
Incase if you have come across some of the books which you feel might add value, please let me know in the below comment. 

Stay Blessed. Happy Reading. 

A Message from Universe to You

Hello Friends, If you are seeing this comment then take it as the sign from your subconscious mind / Universe that "This too shall Pass...