Thursday 18 June 2015

Mind your "Mind" - To Live Healthy

Osho beautifully quoted "Mind is invisible body and body is visible mind". Now science has accepted this concept that about 90% of the diseases in this world are Psychosomatic meaning "Diseases caused by mind". If a persons mind is affected with stress,anxiety, depression,worry etc then the body will show this as a disease. 

Even in Aucpunture, it has been accepted that too much of fear will affect the kidneys, anger will affect the liver, stress will be shown as ulcer etc and they have a big list. 

If a person is happy always filled with unconditional love to the humanity and the people around him, he will be always healthy both physically and Mentally. 
I have met such a person recently in my LG office, who told me that by God's grace he haven't visited to doctor even once for the past 8 years. I asked his secret formula, he told that he follows only one thing that he will be happy and smiling always. Dr.BM Hegde have beautifully told that "If you smile, our body releases 500 good chemicals and exercises 152 muscles in the face and neck". Now I have understood that the natural good chemicals released in the body have improved his immune system and made him healthy. 

Whenever you are happy the body releases good chemicals like Endorphins, Oxytocin,dopamine,serotonin etc which improves the overall health of the human body. However, when a person is stressed the body releases bad chemicals like cortisol and epinephrine which weakens the immune system. 

Everything you think in your mind affects the overall health of the body. Positive Thinking and affirmations increase the overall health of the body. 
If you repeatedly program your mind with good healthy affirmations and once your subconscious mind started believing, your body starts its healing automatically. 

Postive Affirmation for good Health :
"I am Healthy"
"I am Happy"
"I am Energetic"
"I am Vibrant"
"I am Calm"
"I am Relaxed"
"I am Peace"
"I am love"
"I am Light"
"I am Strong"
"I eat Healthily"
"I love my work"
"I love everyone including myself"
"I forgive everyone including myself"

If you would like to know more about affirmation read Affirmations Concious Programming of Mind 

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