Thursday 21 July 2016

Never judge someone without knowing the whole story

Smart people learn from their mistakes.wise people learn from others mistakes - Unknown 

Below is the true incident happened in the life of one of our happy Zen member. She would like to share the below story, sothat we also don't do the same mistake in our life.I have pasted the content below same as received in my mail. 

"I once booked an uber cab which I shared with another traveler to go home from work. I was the second passenger that the driver had to pick up. But unknowingly, the driver picked me up before the first passenger who had booked the cab, who was waiting a few blocks before my pick up point. After I boarded the cab, the driver called the former and asked them to walk till my pick up point. 

The first passenger, a lady, asked him to take a detour to pick her up as she couldn't walk. The driver pled the lady and asked her to arrive at where we were as it was only a few blocks away. The lady gave in and walked to the cab. Meanwhile, the driver started complaining to me that the lady couldn't walk even a few blocks to catch the cab. I was sort of annoyed and I added to what the driver was saying, that the lady should've walked instead of asking us to take a detour.

But to my surprise, when the lady arrived, I saw that the lady was carrying an eight months old baby in her belly. I felt very disappointed with myself that I judged the lady for refusing to walk a few blocks. I cursed myself for having had the negative thoughts about a person I barely knew. 

I relearnt a lesson from my mistakes that day. I shouldn't judge or condemn anyone without knowing the situations or the people involved. Although I knew this from before, I got carried away momentarily by a negative reflex. 

Many of us would have been here one time or the other in our lives. We learn a lesson for the moment and unlearn it in future only to realize again later in life. We should only add to the lessons learnt but not rewrite the same every time

Moral of the Story : 
Never judge someone without knowing the whole story.Start thinking from other person's perceptive, sothat you understand them more. Atleast from now onwards, be an encourager and see how your life turns positively. 

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