Sunday 12 March 2017

Bedtime Stories - Implants seeds of Inspiration

Chhatrapati Shivaji was an great Indian warrior king who ruled the Maratha Empire. His mother Jijau told the stories of  Ramayana and Mahabharata in his early childhood. Both these stories have given a proper guidance and direction in Shivaji's life to fight against Mughals and to be a great ruler. 

Shivaji posses lots of good qualities like being a brave soldier, inspiring leader, effective organizer, brilliant military strategist, being humble, excellent administrator, etc. His mother Jijau have slowly injected all these good qualities during his early childhood through lots of inspiring and motivating stories from our religious scriptures. 

If you also want your next generation to be happy, healthy, peaceful and successful start telling motivating and inspiring bedtime stories. Below is one of the positive feedback received from our Happy Zen Member Kavitha TG who started telling moral stories to her kids. 

"How many of us have the habit of telling bed time stories to kids ? If not, please start from today. I tell to both my sweet daughters. Before two weeks , I have read one post in our The Happy Zen WhatsApp group about chanting the mantra "Thank you God for everything" and the story about a weak bird living in desert and meeting the angel. Hope You remember that post. I narrated the same to my kids on the same night before going to sleep. 

Yesterday my younger one (4 years old) had severe stomach pain and was literally crying in pain. But still, with full tears and with her innocent voice, she was telling "Thank You God for everything". When I ask, why you say so, she told very pitiably, I have only stomach pain but no fever or vomiting. So I have thanked God. I was really wordless and felt happy for her. So, please start telling good moral stories to kids. It can transform their life in the right direction"

Whatever we hear or affirm before we sleep, will be implanted in our sub-conscious mind. It will have a greater impact on our life. Telling inspiring, motivating and moral stories to kids before sleep will surely have a positive impact on their life. 

Let's educate our next generation with lots of good wisdom, which in-turn will help them a World-class person. Happy Story telling. 

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