Saturday 29 September 2018

Art of Parenting - Observe the Observer

Your children will become what you are. So be what you want them to be - David Bly

I have attended the "Junior Quotient" workshop conducted by KIDZEE Bangalore [ Sponsored by Junior Horlicks]. Workshop contents are based on the research done by department of education at Howard University.It helped the participants to understand the child's unique frame of mind. It also helped us to understand the Multiple Intelligence present in every child and nourish them accordingly. 

In the below article, I have highlighted the important points shared in the Workshop. 

About Kid's : 
1. Every kid is uniquely talented ( Sports, Music, etc ).
2. Naughty as per us, however as per child experts, it is called as Curiosity to learn.
3. Kids brain is twice as much active as Adults ( Creative, Thought Process, etc ).
4. It is the duty of the parents to channelize the child's energy to something productive, which they like.
5. 90% of the brain development happens until the age of 6 years.
6. Instead of TV / Tablet / Mobile, identify the multiple Intelligence within every child and nourish them. It will help to bring the creative person within them. 
7. When children like what they do, it is easy to Manage. 

Multiple Intelligence - An Overview :
The Multiple Intelligence was developed in 1983 by Dr.Howard Gardner, professor of education at Howard University. Understanding the multiple Intelligence will help the parents to give the correct learning experience to our Kids. 

1. Musical Intelligence ( Becomes Active Listeners) - Children good at Music. Music brings out the creativity in the child. Become active listeners. 
2. Logical Quotient ( Logic Smart ) - Good at Maths, Puzzles. Become problem solvers. 
3. Bodily Kinesthetic Quotient (Body Smart) - Love movement. Like Outdoor activities. Develop gross and fine motor skills. 
4. Lingual Quotient (Word Smart) - Encourage the child if they love learning new language. They become expressive. 
5. Visual Quotient (Picture Smart) - Visual Intelligence helps kids. 
6. Naturalistic Quotient (Nature Smart) - Love being outdoors. Like plants and animals. 
7. Inter-personal Quotient (People Smart)- Love people.Make fiends easily. 
8. Intra-Personal ( Self Smart ) - Become Self-dependent. 

Nutrition ( Importance of Brain Nutrients ) :
1. Pizza, Burgers, etc are exposed to kids by the parents. Kids eat what the parents eat. 
2. Incase if you don't understand the Ingredients in the biscuits / chips, please don't feed the kids. 
3. Fresh home cooked food is the best food for child's brain development and overall health.
4. Make sure that kids gets the right nutrients by eating right.

Digital Addiction : 
1.Mobile exposure is not good for Kids health. 
2.So better avoid giving Mobile / Tablet to kids. 
3.Instead of Mobile / Tablet, please send quality time with them. 
4.It is the responsibility of the parents to filter the cartoon contents as it program them subconsciously. 

Courtesy : Mrs.Rachal / Kidzee / Junior Horlicks 


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