Friday 22 March 2019

Have you Boarded the Right Bus ?

21-Mar-2019 | 10.48 PM | Prestige Business Park Bangalore 

It was a tiring and a very busy day with full of meetings and conference calls. I have boarded my office cab and would like to refresh my mind by reading good motivating article. Yes, even Napolean Bonaparte used to relax himself, by reading good books in the middle of war. 

I have opened the PI Talkies article "Not Enjoying The Ride ? Get Off!" written by Prakash Iyer in Business world. It has a tagline "Too many of us spend all our lives in jobs we hate". I really liked the tagline, as it exactly matched most of our current situation.  

I have given the extract of the article below for your kind reference, as it have a good lesson for all of us, who have boarded the wrong bus.

"Too many of us spend all our lives in jobs we hate. We hate every minute of it, we complain, we show our bitterness, it affects our performance and yet we don’t act to change things. We lack the courage to call it quits. We hesitate to get off the bus. 

There is also a flip side to this − there are many amongst us who board the wrong bus. But once inside, we start enjoying the comfortable pushback seats, the air- conditioning, the personal entertainment system and the wonderful companion in the next seat. We push away the recurring thought that we are on the wrong bus, headed to a place we do not want to go to. We wonder what people would say if we were to leave a comfortable air-conditioned bus and move to a rickety non air- conditioned one. And so we stay put. 

Don’t let that happen to you. It is better to be on a rickety bus that’s headed to the right place than to ride comfortably − on the wrong bus! Life is too short to be wasted doing things you don’t enjoy. Doing what you enjoy offers you your best chance of success. It also gives you the strength to overcome all odds."

21-Mar-2019 | 11.22 PM | Sweet Home

I was totally exhausted by the time I reached home. On seeing me entering the home, my son Krish jumped with joy and ran towards me with full of energy and enthusiasm singing "Daddy Ayaa, Daddy Ayaa" rhythmically imitating the Dhobi Ayaa Dhobi Ayaa - Famous Hindi Rhyme. 

My wife complained me that "Krish is running and playing from the time he came from the play school at 1.00 PM"

I said raising my voice "Kids will be like that only. Please stop your Siva Purana, I am already tired"

My wife name is Sivasankari, hope now you understand why I asked her to stop Siva Purana. All the complaints that she tells will be categorized by me as Siva Purana. 

I am surprised by my son Krish's high levels of energy even at night. I have changed my dress and silently went to bed to take some good rest. 

Lying on the bed, I was still thinking about "Why my Son is energetic and I am lethargic?". I have posted this question to my subconcious mind and went to sleep. It is believed that Subconcious mind is very active in the trance state. All the great inventions like Radium are invented during this trance state. Within couple of seconds, I got the answer in a flash "Your son is doing all day that fills his soul, however you are doing all day that fills your pocket. So start doing something that fills your soul". 

22-Mar-2019 | 8.03 AM | KR Puram Railway Station

I have boarded the BMTC Volvo bus to Prestige Business Park and occupied a comfortable window seat. Within couple of minutes, a beautiful IT girl with a fair complexion occupied the seat next to me. She had a cute smile on her face. She seems to be in her twenties. She was wearing a Yellow T-shirt. Her blue denim jeans and the black jacket complemented her shirt beautifully.

She had a perfect figure to be a model. I thought to myself, She might be earning in millions, if she have selected modelling as her career and wondered why she have selected IT industry instead. She have taken the book "The Lost Symbol" written by Dan Brown and started reading it. I thought to myself 'Reading Dan Brown novels have become a fashion symbol now-a-days'

I started writing the article about my last night Subconcious experience in my LG G7 Smartphone. I have sculpted each and every word and was deep into a Alpha state while writing the article and slowly I forgot the presence of the beautiful girl sitting next to me. When, I am still busy writing and editing the article, I heard the conductor voice shouting "Prestige Business park stop, Banni Sir Bega" (Come Fast Sir). I have checked the time in the watch and it was around 9.07 AM. I was so involved in my writing that one hour have passed like a blink of the eye. 

Einstein once quoted “When a pretty girl sits on your lap for an hour, it seems like a minute. When you sit on a hot stove for a minute it seems like an hour”.

In my case, even though there is pretty girl, who was sitting next to me, I was so involved in my writing, for which an hour seems like a minute. It showed that, I have more interest in writing than anything else in this world. I have felt a sense of contentment, that fills my soul while writing the article.  

While standing near the door, I have turned my face towards the beautiful girl to thank her mentally, for enlightening me, to discover my passion for writing. However, she was still lost in reading "The Lost Symbol" novel and in her Yellow T-Shirt it was written "It's never too late to follow your dreams". I smiled to myself understanding the truth in the quote. 

Eureka, I have found my bus (Becoming an Author) that I need to board while deboarding the BMTC Volvo bus. Have you boarded the right bus ? If not, it is never too late. 

Courtesy - Mr.Prakash Iyer []

A request from the Author :
If you like this article, please share it with your family and friends in the social media. It might help someone to board the correct bus. 

I sincerely hope that you have enjoyed reading my story as much as I enjoyed writing it. If you like this story, I would greatly appreciate if you would leave a comment below. Even just a line or two can make a huge difference. 


  1. Your son is doing all day that fills his soul, however you are doing all day that fills your pocket. So start doing something that fills your soul - Simply the best. Awesome once again, in bringing out the talent in you.

    1. Jai, Appreciate taking time to write review. I am grateful for you bro.

  2. Nice story walk through.
    Till last line is read not known where it’s heading.
    Let me post my question to subconsious mind and get the answer

    1. Glad you like it. Thanks a lot for taking time to write the review. I wish that you find your bus soon :)


A Message from Universe to You

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